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SMS100 Examples – Comprehensive System


Every year we hear of boats sinking, catching fire, having cold conditions freeze the onboard water supply, or being broken in to. Most of these happen at the dock, while the vessel is unattended. While adding vessel monitoring equipment and door alarms can detect these problems, they do not solve the problem of informing you that there is a problem if you are not on board (or at least close by). Adding a Maretron® SMS100 text module to your vessel gives an inexpensive method of sending text messages to your phone when there is a problem.

This comprehensive monitoring system will monitor important parameters on your vessel and alert you via text message when there is water in your bilge, a fire onboard, doors opened, loss of shore power or battery power, or your boat moves from its moorings. While on board, all these parameters can be displayed on the display and an audible alarm will sound under the alert conditions.

The following table shows the products included within this example system plus a list of the information or data available for display.

Product Description Available Data List
TSM800C Display 8” Touchscreen displays data in this list and and if there is a problem will sound an external alarm and send a text message to the SMS100.
SMS100 Texting module Sends text messages to one or more phone numbers when any monitored data in this list goes outside programmed limits
GPS200 Cabin top GPS Position, speed over ground, course over ground, time, date, magnetic variation and more
WSO100 Wind/weather station Measures wind speed and direction, outdoor air temperature, outdoor humidity, barometric pressure
SIM100 Switch indicator 3 high bilge water indicators, magnetic door switch, smoke/heat detector, CO detector
DCM100 Battery monitor Monitors battery voltage, current, temperature, state of charge and time remaining
ACM100 Shore power monitor Monitors voltage, current, frequency and power
TMP100 Temperature monitor Monitors cabin temperature, engine room temperature, alternator temperature, refrigerator temperature
ALM100 Helm Audible Alarm Sounds a loud alarm when any monitored data in this list goes outside programmed limit


This file requires Maretrons free NMEA 2000® network design tool N2KBuilder® to be installed on your PC.

Text message screenshots

The following screenshots are examples of Text Messages you can receive when monitoring these values.

Boat Moving Alarm

Door Open Alarm

High Bilge Water Alarm

High Wind Alarm

Low Barometric Pressure

Low Battery Alarm

Low Cabin Temperature

Shore Power Fail

Smoke Alarm

Status response

N2KView screenshots

The following components are examples of how monitored data can be displayed on the TSM800C display using N2KView. The components are arranged on favourite screens at positions and sizes to suit the user’s needs. See N2KView web page for examples of full screenshots.

Afternoon Twilight

Alternator Temperature

Anchor Watch

Apparent Wind Angle Graph

Apparent Wind Close Hauled Rose

Apparent Wind Rose

Barometric Pressure Digital

Barometric Pressure Graph

Battery Current Digital

Battery Current Gauge

Battery State of Charge Bar Graph

Battery State of Charge Digital

Battery State of Charge Gauge

Battery Temperature Digital

Battery Temperature Gauge

Battery Voltage Gauge


COG Head Up Rose

COG North Up Rose

Course Over Ground Digital

Engine Room Temperature

GPS Status

Ground Wind Direction Cardinal

Ground Wind Direction Digital

Ground Wind Direction Rose

Ground Wind Speed Digital

Indicator Off

Indicator On Green

Indicator On Red

Lat and Long

Lat and Long Degrees

Lat and Long DMS

Local Date

Local Date DMY

Local Date MDY

Moon Phase

Refrigeration Temperature

Shore Power Current Digital

Shore Power Current Gauge

Shore Power Frequency Gauge

Shore Power Voltage Digital

Shore Power Voltage Gauge

Speed over Ground Digital

Speed over Ground Gauge


UTC Time


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