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What type of information can be viewed on Maretron’s display products, and what products are required to generate the data to be displayed?

Estimated Reading Time: < 1 Minute

The Maretron Capability Matrix helps highlight the system features available for display when designing a system within N2KBuilder.  To generate a system capability Matrix within N2KBuilder simply click on Tools, "Create Maretron Capability Matrix".

A Maretron Capability Matrix has an option in CSV format. The file can later be opened and edited using Microsoft Excel.






What type of information can be viewed on Maretron’s display products, and what products are required to generate the data to be displayed?
  • Attached Files
  • Maretron Capability Matrix 3.0.pdf (68.14 KB) 2348

  • Powered by PHPKB (Knowledge Base Software)