What information does the J2K100 provide over the NMEA 2000 network?
Estimated Reading Time: < 1 MinuteAs long as the engine or generator is providing the appropriate information via the J1939 interface, the J2K100 is capable of producing the following NMEA 2000 information:
- engine speed (tachometer)
- engine boost pressure
- engine oil pressure
- engine oil temperature
- engine coolant temperature
- engine alternator potential
- engine fuel rate
- engine hours
- engine coolant pressure
- engine fuel pressure
- engine percent load
- engine percent torque
- engine rated speed
- engine VIN
- engine software ID
- transmission gear
- transmission oil pressure
- transmission oil temperature
- generator average line-line AC RMS voltage
- generator average line-neutral AC RMS voltage
- generator average AC frequency
- generator average AC RMS current