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Does Maretron have a interface cable for Caterpillar engine networks to the J2K100 device?

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

The MCF-2M-D12CAT cable is used to interface a J2K100 to a CAT marine power display. It is recommended that the MCF-2M-D12CAT cable should connect to one of two ports on the CAT display. The ideal connection should be the occupied twelve pin connector. (Note: some CAT marine power displays have duel twelve pin connectors)  To avoid damaging the CAT displays, be certain that the engines are not running when you perform this install. To start, Simply, remove existing connector from the back of the CAT display, connect  the MCF-2M-D12CAT cable to that  female connection. Re-connect the original CAT twelve pin connection to the available  female port on the MCF-2M-D12CAT cable. Once you complete the install of the MCF-2M-D12CAT cable, connect the J2K100.


Does Maretron have a interface cable for Caterpillar engine networks to the J2K100 device?
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