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Why does the SSC200 roll angle not read zero when the vessel is flat in the water?

Estimated Reading Time: < 1 Minute

You can calibrate the SSC200 roll angle to read zero when the vessel is sitting flat in the water using a DSM150, DSM200, or DSM250 display. To zero the roll:

  1. Enter menu mode, scroll to "Configuration..." and press
  2. Scroll to "Device Configuration..." and press
  3. Scroll to the SSC200 and press
  4. Scroll to "Installation Offset Calibration..." and press
  5. Even though it appears that you are aligning the compass, go ahead and press . Pressing not only sets the alignment of the compass but it also zeros both the pitch and roll
Why does the SSC200 roll angle not read zero when the vessel is flat in the water?

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