What are the minimum and maximum supported display resolutions for the MBB100 VGA output?

The maximum supported display resolution for the MBB100 VGA output is 1900x1200.

The minimum supported display resolution is 800x480.

To review your resolution settings on the MBB100, in N2KView, select the "Commands & Settings->Configuration->Screen Configuration" menu.


For detailed MBB100 setup instructions visit: https://www.maretron.com/support/manuals/MBB100UM_1.0.pdf

Article ID: 550
Created: September 4, 2012
Last Updated: July 29, 2015
Author: Mark Oslund [mark.oslund@maretron.com]

Online URL: https://www.maretron.com/wp-content/phpkbv95/article.php?id=550