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How do I perform a TLM100 quick setup for a square tank using the N2KAnalyzer program?

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

Quick setup guide for a TLM100. The following article was written assuming you(reader) are familiar with Maretron configuration tools and products. This article is intended for advanced users and NMEA certified Technicians who require quick references on general procedures when calibrating Maretron products with Maretron tools.   


  1. Start the N2KAnalyzer program on your PC. (N2KAnalyzer can be located here:

  2. Connect your PC to your preferred Maretron gateway (IPG100 or USB100)

  3. Select the TLM100 on the device list that you wish to configure. Once selected the row will change blue as shown in Figure A

     Figure A

  4. Select menu item “Configure Device”Refer to Figure B.

  5. The configuration dialog for the selected device will appear.


    Figure B.

  6. Within the TLM100 configuration dialog General tab add details of the TLM100 you installed. Refer to Figure C


    Figure C.

  7. Once entries are complete, select “Put Config to Device” Look for this button:

  8. Tank Manual table and Step fill is a routine that requires several pre-requisites Tank shape, height, and Volume vs estimated total tank capacity.  Refer to N2KAnalyzer User’s Manual section for Manual table or fir Step fill configuration. The configuration menu(s) for a Manual table shown through a configuration process in Figure D




Figure D.

9. Once entries are complete, select "Put Config to Device" 

10. Process complete! Close all TLM100 dialog boxes and proceed to configure your next device.


Download the attached PDF for additional aids.


How do I perform a TLM100 quick setup for a square tank using the N2KAnalyzer program?
  • Attached Files
  • quick_setup_tlm100.pdf (457.09 KB) 1279

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